European Regional Development Fund. Co-funded by Greece and the European Union.


European Regional Development Fund. Co-funded by Greece and the European Union.

How well do you remember yourself?


Remind Game.

How well do you remember yourself? Today we are constantly producing a digital trail of our lives. Photos, videos, posts, tweets and a ton of other content is produced just with a few taps of our fingers on our mobile devices. As we get older, our minds alter our memories in many different ways to accommodate our current lifestyle and ideas. Moreover, diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s threaten our memories and together our own individual unique identities.

What if we could harness all this ocean of data we create today and use it as a treasure for our fragile minds tomorrow? What if we could identify through games that use our digital trails, potential signs of diseases or psychological disorders?

RemindGame is just a first attempt to use some of these data and test our own memories. With the help of new technologies, it could evolve in many different ways but for the time being… let’s just play with our memories.
Coming soon.

Don't be shy,